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Nuclear is the backbone of Ontario’s low-carbon electricity

For decades, nuclear power has been quietly supplying more than half of Ontario's electricity while releasing virtually no greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Nuclear technology has helped keep rates low while helping keep our air clean and ecosystems intact.

For Ontario to continue to benefit from this source of reliable, safe, low-cost, and carbon-free power, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is renewing its nuclear assets and investing in the next generation of nuclear technology, small modular reactors (SMRs). We have the talent, the supply chain, and the know-how to be North America's leaders in nuclear power.

In Ontario, nuclear power has a storied past - and an exciting future.

A conceptual rendering of the BWRX-300 SMR plant by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy.

Small modular reactors

free football betting sites SMR. Three letters that are critical in the fight against climate change. OPG will be the first power company in North America to build an SMR and connect it to the grid at our Darlington nuclear site, with plans to build three more.

The pristine turbine hall at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station.

Darlington Refurbishment project

OPG's world-class Darlington Refurbishment project is helping create 14,200 jobs per year, while contributing $89 billion to the economy, and ensuring clean power for decades to come.

A worker in protective clothing works on nuclear isotope harvesting.

Nuclear isotopes

Nuclear isotopes are used to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases and have applications from border security to emergency lighting. Learn about the fascinating world of nuclear isotopes and the role OPG's subsidiary, Laurentis Energy Partners, is playing as a key global supplier.  

Nuclear power

Learn about how reliable, clean nuclear power is supporting Ontario's sustainable, electrified future.

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